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Cubic Real Estate holds a Community Housing Provider (CHP) license. We manage a range of properties in the Greater Sydney region that are earmarked for ‘affordable housing’ as stipulated by Councils and the NSW Government. Applicants must go through a strict means test before being qualified as an affordable housing tenant. 


In addition to this service, our affordable housing division also consults to property developers on the advantages and incentives in place if they were to provide affordable housing on their development projects.


 For more information, please visit our specialist website:


In NSW the planning division may approve or provide incentives through development consents, on grounds of affordable housing supplies to the LGA under State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021. Those affordable homes approved on those bases must be managed by an accredited Community Housing Provider (CHP). We have adopted the NSW Affordable Housing Ministerial Guidelines as the basis of our internal policies and guidelines in managing affordable housing. We work closely with Registrar of Community Housing to ensure our clients affordable homes complies with the affordable housing conditions set out in the clients DA conditions, as well as devise management plans required before issuance of the occupation certificates. 

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